The Black Stork Ciconia nigra has a population at risk, with 12 breeding pairs (SEO/Birdlife 2001) in Madrid, which represents around 4% of the whole Spanish population (the biggest in Europe).
Outside the breading nest at Alberche river |
The importance of the Black stork in Madrid is tremendous as it is considered a colonisation hotspot as well as increasing the area of the distribution. This fantastic bird can be found mostly in pine forest areas and smal rivers areas. Also, can be seen in El Pardo reserve during migration.
Our beloved White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a familiar sight in the Province of Madrid. In summer season the rarer and less known Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) can be fould despite its preference for uninhabited areas.
La Comunidad de Madrid presenta una buena población de nuestra querida y familiar Cigüeña Blanca, a la vez que alberga a su vez a la más misteriosa y también menos conocida Cigüeña Negra, de comportamiento mas reservado y solitario, presente en áreas aisladas y alejada de la presencia humana.